Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Top 10 reasons to have sex

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1. Sex Relieves Stress

A big health benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction, according to researchers from Scotland who reported their findings in the journal Biological Psychology. They studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. Then the researchers subjected them to stressful situations — such as speaking in public and doing verbal arithmetic — and noted their blood pressure response to stress.

Those who had intercourse had better responses to stress than those who engaged in other sexual behaviors or abstained.

Another study published in the same journal found that frequent intercourse was associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants. Yet other research found a link between partner hugs and lower blood pressure in women.

2. Sex Boosts Immunity

Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had.

Those in the “frequent” group — once or twice a week — had higher levels of IgA than those in the other three groups — who reported being abstinent, having sex less than once a week, or having it very often, three or more times weekly.

3. Sex Burns Calories

Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions.

“Sex is a great mode of exercise,” says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists. It takes work, from both a physical and psychological perspective, to do it well, she says.

4. Sex Improves Cardiovascular Health

While some older folks may worry that the efforts expended during sex could cause a stroke, that’s not so, according to researchers from England. In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, scientists found frequency of sex was not associated with stroke in the 914 men they followed for 20 years.

And the heart health benefits of sex don’t end there. The researchers also found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month.

5. Sex Boosts Self-Esteem

Boosting self-esteem was one of 237 reasons people have sex, collected by University of Texas researchers and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

That finding makes sense to Gina Ogden, PhD, a sex therapist and marriage and family therapist in Cambridge, Mass., although she finds that those who already have self-esteem say they sometimes have sex to feel even better. “One of the reasons people say they have sex is to feel good about themselves,” she tells WebMD. “Great sex begins with self-esteem, and it raises it. If the sex is loving, connected, and what you want, it raises it.”

6. Sex Improves Intimacy

Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, which helps us bond and build trust. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina evaluated 59 premenopausal women before and after warm contact with their husbands and partners ending with hugs. Tey found that the more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels.

“Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and to bond,” Britton says.

Higher oxytocin has also been linked with a feeling of generosity. So if you’re feeling suddenly more generous toward your partner than usual, credit the love hormone.

7. Sex Reduces Pain

As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines. So if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.

In a study published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 48 volunteers who inhaled oxytocin vapor and then had their fingers pricked lowered their pain threshold by more than half.

8. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

Frequent ejaculations, especially in 20-something men, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life, Australian researchers reported in the British Journal of Urology International. When they followed men diagnosed with prostate cancer and those without, they found no association of prostate cancer with the number of sexual partners as the men reached their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

But they found men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later by a third.

Another study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that frequent ejaculations, 21 or more a month, were linked to lower prostate cancer risk in older men, as well, compared with less frequent ejaculations of four to seven monthly.

9. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you’ll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.

To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you’re trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.

10. Sex Helps You Sleep Better

The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research.

And getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. Something to think about, especially if you’ve been wondering why your guy can be active one minute and snoring the next.

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Ancient Cultures @ Indian Vedic Influence (Photographic Evidence)

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An Arab woman wearing the Hindu vermilion mark on her forehead in ancient times when the world practiced Hinduism. (Published in the Bible Dictionary (appended to the Holy Bible edited by the American Review Committee) and also in "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar. [ Long missing links, or, The Marvellous Discoveries about the Aryans, Jesus Christ and Allah" by Vaduvur K Duraiswami Ayyangar, Publisher: Oriental Home University, 1931])
Hindu administrations, the Sanskrit language, Hindu culture and the Hindu medical system--Ayurved, held sway throughout the ancient world. Monarchs then used to attend court bare-bodied with sacred ash and colour marks on their bodies. This is an Hindu Egyptian monarch of those times. [The 'V' mark is called tilok, and is shown being worn by this Egyptian in the same style that it is still worn by Vaishnavas today in India, on the forehead, arms, neck, chest and belly, representing that one is a worshiper of Lord Krishna or Vishnu.] (Published on page 38 of the Bible Dictionary {appended to the Holy Bible edited by the American Review Committee} and on page 185 of "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
The Hindu architect of the pyramids looking at an unfolded architectural scroll. He is wearing Hindu marks on his body. This should underline the need to reconstruct the worldwide sway of Hinduism in ancient times currently wiped out of all history. (Published in Egyptian Myth and Legends page 368 and also in "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
This mosaic captioned "A Pastoral Scene" is of the 2nd century A.D. and is on display at the museum in Corinth, 60 Km. from Athens (Greece). Obviously this is Lord Krishna the Hindu incarnation in his boyhood. The bare body, the horizontal flute, the cross-legged stance, standing under a tree with a few cows grazing around is exactly how Krishna is depicted in Hindu pictures. This is proof that in ancient Hindu Europe, Krishna and Rama as much as the Shiva Linga were worshipped as they are still worshipped by the Hindus in Hindusthan.
A Roman superior wearing the Hindu dhoti, chappals (sandals) and Hindu marks on his neck and forehead--reminding one of the times when Europe practiced Hinduism. (Published in "History of Rome" page 300 by Smith and "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
Vali and Sugreeva--two monkey chiefs disputing over a woman Tara whom both claim as wife. Being monkeys they are undressed. This is one of the many Ramayanic scenes found sketched in ancient Italian homes (this one is sketched on a vase discovered in archaeological excavations in Italy).
[Top photo] Three Hindu gods. The one at the left known as Ayu Devata (God of life) is still invoked in Siberia if some near and dear one falls seriously ill. The other two are just samples of the many gods and goddesses sold in the bazar of Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia. These indicate how Hinduism prevailed in the ancient world. Even the Slav people in Europe worshipped Hindu deities. [Bottom photo] A Ramayanic scene found painted in ancient Italian houses discovered in archaeological excavations. Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra, wives of the aged king Dasharath sharing the divine fertility potion to beget illustrious sons. The Dasharath legend is also part of ancient Egyptian lore. All this shows that countries of Europe and Africa were Hindu in ancient times.
Rama-Seeta-Lakshmana walking through the forest in the order described in the Ramayana, a scene delineated in ancient Italian homes. Italian archaeologists express bewilderment at these paintings because they are unaware that ancient Europe including Italy practiced Hinduism.
This is the Hindu deity Shiva. This piece is at present on view in the Etruscan Museum at the Vatican in Rome. Encyclopedia Britannica mentions under the headings "Etruria" and "Etruscan" that between the 2nd and 7th centuries BC, northern Italy was known as Etruria. During excavations many such "meteoric stones mounted on carved pedestals" are discovered in Italy. Obviously, therefore, this one was dug up from the Vatican itself. Many more must be lying buried in the Vatican's massive walls and numerous cellars. Vatican is itself the Sanskrit word "Vatica" applied to Hindu cultural-cum-religious centers as in "Ashrama-Vatica" or "Dharma-Vatica" or "Ananda-Vatica." Therefore, the Vatican was obviously a Hindu religious seat before its incumbent was forced to accept Christianity.
A typical ancient Vedic brass lamp from Saudi Arabia. Again it is a sign of the Vedic influence that was and still is found in the Middle East and Arabia. Such lamps are still used in India today. Stories of Allauddin, or Aladdin, and His Lamp come from ancient Vedic India, although many give credit to Arabia.
This image from pre-Islamic Saudi Arabia, displayed at the British Museum, shows goddess Sarasvati riding a swan carrier.
If one looks, a person can find reminders of the ancient Vedic culture in numerous places, even where you least expect. Here for example is an image that is very much like the Vedic Lord Shiva. It is said to be the Roman God Neptune, found in Bologna, Italy on a public fountain. Notice the trident on this statue of Neptune, along with the hoods of two snakes coiled around his neck on each of his shoulders, typical of Shiva. Anyone familiar with Vedic culture will realize that he is styled after Lord Shiva who is also adorned with serpents around his neck and arms. And the trident was always an emblem of Lord Shiva. This shows how the impressions of Vedic culture and its gods came from India, though styles and names may have changed as it traveled west. Images resembling Ganesh, Shiva, Rama and Krishna have been found in many archeological excavations throughout Italy, although not publicized by Christians.

Future Weapons of Mass Destruction

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Metal Storm - Future Weapons Breakthrough Technology - 1 million rounds per minute!
The British Accuracy International AS50 BMG Sniper Rifle
The XM-307 Advanced Crew Served Weapon - ACSW
The OICW - Objective Individual Combat Weapon - the M-29
NLOS Cannon - NLOS-C - The New Artillery of the FCS Future Combat Systems

Amazing Chocolate Wrestling

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Winning a Street Fight (11 Steps)

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Winning a Street Fight (11 Steps)

The aim of this guide is to help you to resolve a street fight or confrontation using simple, deliberate actions that enable you to survive and escape. But remember, defending yourself is a final resort. 1. Be aware of your environment. Aside from various objects that can be used as weapons and traps, knowing where to run is very important--especially when you're outnumbered. Use all of your senses fully. Don't just look around directly--use shadows and reflections to your advantage. 2. Err on the side of caution by assuming the following: Your opponent is a better fighter, and has backup; They have a blunt or edged weapon, such as brass knuckles or a knife; and you will be hit. Be ready to take a punch. 3. Walk away from the fight. Although perhaps obvious, the most sure-fire way to "win" in a street fight is to not fight one altogether. In the vast majority of cases, there will be some sort of warning before actual physical aggression occurs. If you can resolve a dispute without having to fight, do so. Don't let your ego get in the way of your safety. In a verbal dispute that has the potential to become violent, stay calm and take a firm but apologetic approach. Be neutral and non-confrontational. For instance, if a guy accuses you of looking at his girlfriend, you can just apologize and say that she looked like someone you used to know. He now has only two options: * Accept your apology, and maybe even apologize back. If this happens, all is well. Is it that hard to apologize to some jerk (even if you don't mean it) to avoid a fight? If the situation seems to be resolved, remember never to turn your back on the aggressor. It is wise to take 2-3 steps backward and then turn. Always be ready for a sucker punch. * Continue the threatening behavior. If he continues to threaten, repeat the apology. Look sincere, but not weak! If he continues to threaten and close the distance on you, say that you do not want any trouble. Be firm verbally. Use terms like "back off" or "keep away". Get louder as he gets closer. 4. Stay at a distance from your opponent, allowing the distance to shorten only to strike. The attacker needs to close distance to strike you. Staying just out of their reach means they cannot hit you. Try to stay on an opponent's 'outside' (i.e. towards the side, rather than directly in front). Remember that they can be an obstacle to themselves. Keep your guard up. Even if it's only by extending your hands in a 'stay-back' type of pose, it places something between you and your opponent. 5. Know when and how to run: * If you are outmatched or outnumbered, or just not willing to fight, then run at the first opportunity towards public, well-lit areas where there will be others. When escaping in the middle of a confrontation, try to impede your opponents as much as possible: o Block them with obstacles. If you can put a trashcan, car, bus, or policeman between you and the attacker, all the better. o Run between narrow paths, such as between cars on a parking lot, run up a narrow stairwell and fight downward (make sure you have an exit), or run (and fight) through a narrow hallway. This will prevent the opponents from ganging up on you. * If you know you won't outrun them, don't try. If you are caught (especially with multiple attackers), you will lose the fight due to a simple lack of energy. The one or two opponents that sprint with you may be just as tired, but those jogging behind will be fresh for the fight. 6. Establish your balance so that you can stay on your feet. Spread your lengths to shoulder width and bend your knees. Going to the ground is very dangerous to the untrained fighter, especially if the opponent has weapons, back-up, or ground-fighting experience. If you find yourself tangled up with them, break away any way you can. 7. Defend yourself. Respond to attacks by aiming for any open, vulnerable spot without exposing too much of yourself. Use "reasonable force" (see Warnings below). * Damage to "soft spots" (face, temples, throat, kidneys, solar plexus, etc.) may eventually incapacitate your opponent. Scratching, biting, clawing, spitting, pulling hair and attacking eyes can also be used. You are defending yourself from a violent aggressor, not fighting in a ring with rules. Use anything you can to ensure your safety. Poke the eyes, and if there are others ganging up on you, hit with outstretched fingers into the front of the throat. * Hitting the nose blurs the eyes and causes pain, and it just might leave your opponent dazed long enough to get away. * Consider using low kicks if you are at arm's reach. Low kicks should be aimed towards shins, ankles, the insides or back of calves or thighs and knee caps (if their legs are straight). Do not aim higher than knee or waist height because they will grab your leg. * Attacks from behind are difficult to see and avoid, and in a real fight, it is not cowardly to strike from behind. Watch your back, and attack that of your opponent(s). * Head butt your opponent fast and hard. Bring the top your forehead down across his nose and face. The "Glasgow Kiss" has defeated many experienced fighters not prepared for it. It's your best chance instead of punching and slapping an enraged meathead like an idiot. * Learn to grapple. A successful grapple can put you in control, even if the attacker is much stronger or faster than you. One way is waiting for them to make a move, and then counterattack. Grappling as a counterattack almost never fails, if done correctly. 8. Be as loud as possible. Don't be afraid to scream for help, or yell out "Fire!"(people are more likely to respond to fire because they'll want to watch, they probably won't want to get involved if you shout anything else) This brings unwanted attention that your attacker would rather not have. It also distracts them and could make them panic, making them less conscientious fighters. 9. Escape as soon as your opponent(s) are incapacitated enough to allow you to run as described above. 10. Phone the police or alert some other authority as soon as you can. Let them know where you are, where the attack occurred, and describe your attackers. 11. If you have a background in martial arts use what you have learned.

Michael Schumacher's Personal Island (IMAGES)

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Michael Schumacher (pronounced [ˈmɪçaʔeːl ˈʃuːmaχɐ] , (born January 3, 1969, in Hürth Hermülheim, Germany) is a former Formula One driver, and seven-time world champion. According to the official Formula One website, he is "statistically the greatest driver the sport has ever seen". He is the first German to win the Formula One World championship and is credited with popularising Formula One in Germany. In a 2006 FIA survey, Michael Schumacher was voted the most popular driver among Formula One fans.

After winning two championships with Benetton, Schumacher moved to Ferrari in 1996 and won five consecutive drivers' titles with them from 2000-2004. Schumacher holds many records in Formula One, including most drivers' championships, race victories, fastest laps, pole positions, points scored and most races won in a single season. Schumacher is the first and only Formula One driver to have an entire season of podium finishes (2002). His driving sometimes created controversy—he was twice involved in collisions that determined the outcome of the world championship, most notably his disqualification from the 1997 championship for causing a collision with Jacques Villeneuve. After the 2006 Formula One season Schumacher retired from race driving.

Off the track, Schumacher is an ambassador for UNESCO and a spokesman for driver safety. He has been involved in numerous humanitarian efforts throughout his life. He is the elder brother of Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters driver Ralf Schumacher.

He is currently acting as advisor and special test driver for the 2008 Scuderia Ferrari F1 Team.

The Grand Canyon (Rare Images)

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Some of the most unique Grand Canyon scenery and adventures are accessible from east end of Lake Mead.

Sizzling 2008 Swimsuit Cheerleaders (12 Rare Pics)

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